Dirty Ducts Cleaning

Clean & Healthy Air, Breath after Breath


Why Should I Clean My Air Ducts?

BECAUSE THEY ARE DIRTY! If your air ducts look dirty they are!  To think about what is in there and what you breath daily is frightening.  The typical buildup in ductwork is made up of primarily dead skin cells, dander, dust, and chemicals.  Every time your system runs, this get recirculated through your home or building.  This can make the indoor air quality extremely harmful for people with respiratory disorders, asthma, and allergies.   If you ever find yourself ... more »

Did you know you may be eligible to get your vermiculite removal and reinsulating cost partially reimbursed up to $5,500?

Vermiculite is an insulation material that is found in attics, walls, etc. It commonly looks similar to the photo above. We have done several hundred homes and businesses for the safe removal of it. This material is commonly disturbed during remodels when ceilings are penetrated (i.e. changing a light fixture, installing a fan, demolishing a ceiling), when additional attic insulation is added on top of it, during wall demo or electrical work, etc. Any disturbance of vermiculite insulation could potentially ... more »

Clean Exhaust Keeps The Workplace Safe

Proper maintenance on your dust/mist/particulate collector exhaust duct systems is imperative for a safe workplace for your employees.  Process exhaust duct systems and dust collectors not only remove and collect process debris and waste, but also provide clean air for your workers.  Depending on what type of industry you are working, many of these particles adhered to the duct walls can potentially lead to a fire hazard in the ductwork. Signs your exhaust/collector ductwork needs cleaning: ... more »

Don't Let Combustible Dust Be Your Workplace Hazard

All combustible materials can burn rapidly when in a finely divided form. If these materials are  suspended in air in the right concentration, under certain conditions, they can explode. Even materials that do not burn in larger pieces (such as aluminum or iron) can be explosive in dust form, given the proper conditions.  For these cleaning services, please seek out a professional company that specifically provides these services to eliminate this risk.  The contractors employees ... more »

Air Duct Cleaning in Schools

IAQ (Indoor Air Quality) at schools is more top of mind now than ever before due to COVID being in the news.  Did you know that indoor pollution levels may be 2-100 times higher inside a school then compared to outside the school?  Children breathe more per pound of body weight than adults which means they depend on better indoor air quality more than the average adult.  The heating and cooling system are essentially the lungs of the school which means any contaminates ... more »

Asbestos Abatement with Ductwork Cleaning

Abatement of asbestos flooring, asbestos pipe insulation and asbestos glues are the most common asbestos items we handle. On occasion, we have abated asbestos that is directly in the ductwork/airstream of a building or home. Obviously, properly abating this asbestos should be made a priority by the owner and using a company company with expertise in cleaning ductwork systems and abating asbestos makes the most sense for this project. Examples of situations where we have completed ductwork cleaning ... more »

Where Does Asbestos Come From?

Where Does Asbestos Come From? Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral located in metaphoric rock.  Asbestos was once referred to as the miracle mineral for its resistance to chemical attacks, durability, and heat resistance capabilities.  Asbestos often is blue, white, or brown in color and is typically found in a fibrous state.  Asbestos is found in several locations throughout the world including the United States.  In the United States, the most significant deposits of ... more »

Helpful Tips To Ensure A Successful Mold Remediation Project

Like asbestos removal, mold removal and remediation sounds scary but it doesn't have to be.  An experienced contractor with the proper equipment can perform the project safely and successfully.   Items to know when choosing a mold removal and remediation contractor in Wisconsin.   Mold removal and remediation in Wisconsin does not require a license to perform.  You want to make sure you choose a contractor with a strong and proven track record and one that has been ... more »

Things To Know That Will Take The Fear Out Of Having Your Asbestos Removed

Having your asbestos removed may sound scary but it doesn't have to be.  Working with an experienced and licensed abatement contractor that uses the proper equipment and protection can do the job safely and successfully.  Items to know when choosing an Asbestos Contractor in Wisconsin: Asbestos removal should only be completed by a licensed asbestos abatement company.  In Wisconsin, this            certification is received by the DHS (Department of Health ... more »

Improve Airflow When Upgrading Filters

With a strong focus on improving indoor quality in public buildings, schools, and the office place, filter upgrades have been a common component for system upgrades.  While installing MERV 13+ filters do catch more and smaller particulates, the denser filters also reduce airflow.  This airflow reduction will make air handlers and furnaces run harder, longer, and at the end of the day cost more to operate.  When combining air duct cleaning along with filter upgrades, you can help ... more »

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