Before You Hire an Asbestos Professional
Avoid a conflict of interest. An asbestos professional hired to assess the need for asbestos repair or removal should not be connected with an asbestos firm that does the actual repair or removal of materials. It is better to use two different firms so there is no conflict of interest. Ask asbestos professionals to document their completion of federal- or state-approved training. Each person performing work should provide proof of accreditation to do asbestos work. Check on the past performance of your asbestos professional with your local air pollution control board, the local agency responsible for worker safety, and the Better Business Bureau. Ask if the firm has had any safety violations. Find out if there are legal actions filed against it. Please contact Dirty Ducts Cleaning and Environmental for all of your asbestos abatement needs. And don’t forget to visit our website for all of our latest news and reviews at .