Asbestos In Schools

May 18, 2024

Asbestos In School

Most of Wisconsin’s schools still contain asbestos building material. Here are our top ten asbestos materials we remove from schools.

  1. Asbestos floor tile.
  2. Asbestos mastic and asbestos flooring glue.
  3. Asbestos caulking (door, window, spacrete)
  4. Asbestos window glazing.
  5. Asbestos pipe fittings and joint insulation.
  6. Asbestos pipe insulation.
  7. Asbestos lab countertops.
  8. Asbestos transite in lab hoods and weld booths.
  9. Asbestos ductwork insulation
  10. Asbestos on boilers (caulking, burner box packing, breeching insulation, refractors, boiler shell insulation, gaskets, door packings, etc.)

We service several hundred schools each year throughout Wisconsin and Iowa. Call today with your asbestos or asbestos encapsulation needs. We look forward to impressing you.