Dirty Ducts Cleaning

Clean & Healthy Air, Breath after Breath

Is this Asbestos

Is this Asbestos?

A visual inspection of your home is usually not sufficient to determine if it contains asbestos. Instead, samples of suspected asbestos fibers should be sent to a certified laboratory for analysis.

Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) are two approved methods of analysis. The National Institute for Standards and Technology maintains web lists of laboratories certified to do TEM and PLM analysis.

Although the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provides detailed guidance about how to collect samples that may contain asbestos, the American Lung Association instead recommends that you hire a certified asbestos professional to take any samples. Hiring a professional can minimize asbestos exposure for you and your family. This information is brought to you by AsbestosNetwork.com. Please be sure to check out our website at DirtyDuctsCleaning.com

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