Dirty Ducts Cleaning

Clean & Healthy Air, Breath after Breath

HVAC Systems in Schools


Many school districts across the country have either fully returned or in the process of bringing their staff and students back into the buildings for in person education.  While this brings excitement to all, it also come with fear as its related to the current pandemic.

While schools have developed extensive safe return school plans with protocols including physical distancing, assigning small cohorts, managing schedule rotations, and segregating grades, many are failing to realize that all of this can be nullified by the HVAC systems.  More commonly than not, large HVAC systems tie together many areas of a school building causing cross contamination.  Cleaning of HVAC ductwork in schools help reduce cross contamination for the following reasons:

  • Source contaminates in dirty ducts catch and hold unwanted airborne pathogens such as viruses
  • Viruses are know to grab onto this breading ground and even grow in dirty ductwork
  • Dirty ductwork will lead to less air exchanges per hour

Lets bring the staff and students back to a safe environment by cleaning the lungs of our buildings.      

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